Friday, February 12, 2021

Here we go again

Stage Four Lockdown - Day 0/5

Mood: Level - Hopeful - Accepting

We're back in Stage Four lockdown  in an hours time for five days. They're calling it a circuit breaker. And I get it. Some person with a nebuliser in quarantine at the Airport Holiday Inn appears to be Patient Zero. This person is currently in hospital, very ill, so I'm not angry wtih him. It just goes to show how virulent this bloody disease can be. We have 19 cases in the state. The whole state has been locked down for five days. Who knows what will happen after that, but we've been plunged back into the draconian lockdown conditions where you can only leave the house for shopping, exercise ( for up to two hours a day), care giving or work if you are essential worker. You're not allowed out of a five kilometer radius. 

And this is until midnight on Wednesday. Five days. In Summer. Oh well. 

So far, the things I will be missing include: 

  • A trip to the Art Gallery to see the Trienniale
  • A visit to Blarney's to see the family
  • Monday night training at the gym
  • Wednesday night's masons meeting
  • Pump on Sunday in the gym
In the scheme of things, everything can be re-organised and re-scheduled. Five days is no biggie. 

But as with other lock downs, this is all in the mindset.And I know it's only five days, but I think having some task to do in this time will help keep me focussed. 

So here's my list of jobs to be completed over this five day lock down:

1) 10000 steps a day. It's part of this month's goals, but it is even more important during lockdown. 

2) Finish my book group book. Currently reading Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell - it's sublime. I'm about a third of the way through. 

3) 500 words on the novel. I want this to be done, It's time. 

4) Hoover the flat, mop the floors. Weekly job, but I'm putting it down. It's a bit overdue at the moment. 

5) Clean my desk. I've worked out I've had this monitor on my desk for nearly a year - it was bought the week before I got Lucifer - time it was all cleaned properly, not just the cursory front bit of the table. 

6) Paint the doors. There are six panels to do. I just have to do them. As I can't really leave the house, there is nothing to stop me doing this. 

That will do. It's just a matter of keeping focussed for a few days.

I'm not thinking about not going to the Catherine Deveny writer's retreat in a fortnight. I have everything crossed that this will happen. I need it to happen. I want to go write and dance and go skinny dipping with other strange, like-minded souls. So everything is crossed that we gput this bloody virus back in it's box so we can get on with things. 

We got this.

Today's song:

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