Monday, February 15, 2021


Level Four Lockdown: Day 3 of 5

Mood: Level - better for the zoom exercise class. 

Making my own hummus takes days. It shouldn't take days, but it does. It always takes me a day to remember I don't have any chick peas (or cannelli beans) in my cupboard. Then you need to soak the chick peas, then you realise you don't have any lemons, or you've run out of cumin, or the garlic needs replacing. Or the fact that you need to put the tahini in the microwave for 30 seconds so it's not the consistency of Play-Doh. 

Making your own hummus is a pain. But it is better than the store bought stuff - and you know what's in it. And it tastes better. And it costs about a third what you pay for the commercial stuff. And you can make it to your own preferred texture. And I know I like my hummus a lot more lemony and garlicy than the stuff you buy in the store. 

There's also the matter of hauling out the food processor, then cleaning the food processor. But as my food processer is only little, that's just the way it is.

But man, once it is made, life feels better. 

I made hummus today. It took three days. A day to replace the lemons and garlic which were too old to be used. A day to soak the chick peas. And a day to garner up the gumption to spend ten minutes making it.

But I now have a week's worth of hummus in the fridge - and this has been the one different thing I did today. I've been creative. It's cool. In a lockdown, it's the little things that make your day. 

Today's song: 

1 comment:

Me, Myself, and I said...

I love lemony, garlicky hummus. I would love your recipe!!