Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day

 Stage Four Lockdown: Day 2 of 5

Mood: Middling, but fine.

 So tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Which is a Hallmark holiday and it barely registers on my psyche at all and I really don't care - particularly as we, in Melbourne and our state, are in Stage Four Lockdown until Thursday. So for the next four days we can leave the house, with a mask to do the following: Shop for essentials, exercise (for up to two hours), provide care and work if you are an essential worker. It's for five days, as a circuit breaker, after the U.K. strain of this bloody bug escaped quarantine. We're hoping we've got it in time. So far it's looking promising. 

Anyway Valentine's Day. I'll probaby be at my misanthropic best here.

Questions, as always, provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What is the meaning of Valentine’s Day in your country/area? What happens on this day?

It's a Hallmark Holiday, there to make single people feel bad about themselves. Stupid day. 

2. Is Valentine’s Day more for men or women? Explain your answer.

It's there to guilt people out of their money - probably more for women to make them feel as if they are failing at life if they don't get a Valentine's Day card/gift/dinner. I prefer Galentine's Day, where all the single women get together, go out and get drunk while having a bitch about how awful men can be. That's a much better concept. 

3. Do you have any special plans for Valentine’s Day? What will you do?

Valentine's Day I'll be going for a walk with a friend as we are allowed to do this and I will be painting the doors I need to paint. No restaurants are open here anyway unless you get takeaway or delivery. 

4. Which traditional gift would you rather receive: chocolates, flowers, or a card with a personal message?

Sod them all. I don't subscribe to the day. 

5. Is Valentine’s Day only about romantic love? Or is it a good occasion to celebrate friendship as well?

I think Galentine's Day is a great day to celebrate friendship, but it is a knee jerk reaction to the awfulness of Valentine's Day, which sort of defeats the purpose. 

6. Do you like romantic movies? What is your favorite romantic movie?

I like my romantic movie with a bit of a twist to them. I really loved Secretary - it's an unconventional love story. They loved each other. They made it work. 

I'm also a bit of a fan of sappy romantic films, like Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail and the After Sunset / Before Sunrise / Before Midnight  trilogy. Love the last scene of  Before Sunrise. 

7. Have you ever received a Valentine’s Day card or gift from a secret admirer? How did it make you feel?

The last time I got something for Valentine's Day was nearly fifteen years ago - and I was given some roses with no card - but I worked out who sent them pretty quickly. He dumped me a week later. These things happen. 

8. Is Valentine’s Day the most romantic day of the year? If not, what day is?

No it's not the most romantic day of the year. The day you make the most romantic day of the year is the most romantic day of the year. It's a Hallmark Holiday for pity's sake. 

9. What is the most romantic thing you have done for another person?

Hmph. Probably cooked dinner or arranged a picnic. I'm not associated with romance. 

10. Valentine’s Day is promoted by companies whose only interest is making money. Discuss whether you agree or disagree.

I agree. I just don't get it. It's just a money making exercise. Always had been. I don't go in for society telling me when to celebrate stuff. 

11. Describe your perfect Valentine’s Day date.

Somebody who asks me out. I've never been on a date for Valentine's Day so it would be as strange thing. Dinner at a good restaurant would be nice, but that would be nice any other day as well. 

12. How should a single person spend Valentine’s Day? What do you suggest?

Forget about it and get on with your life. There are better things to be worried about. Or gather your single friends, go out and have a great night with them. 

13. Do you enjoy playing cupid? Do you try to introduce people in the hope they will make a love match?

No - I'm not that sort of person. People can find their own partners. I don't want to be blamed for anything like a marriage. Ew. 

14. Some restaurants charge higher prices on Valentine’s Day. Are you willing to pay more to dine out on this day?


15. Is a romantic gesture more powerful on Valentine’s Day or on another day of the year?

I think romantic gestures are more romantic on other days of the year Mind you, I live amongst Australian men who are about as romantic as three day old roadkill. But I live to be surprised. 

Today's Song: 


Bev Sykes said...

I had never heard of "Galentine's day" before this year. I like the idea, if I had friends I could gal around with, which I don't

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

Like you, I hate Valentine's Day (which is why I am not doing Sunday Stealing today).

Great answers and I agree 100%.




Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

You REALLY don't like it. I agree with everything you said, but I am much more indifferent than much else.