Thursday, February 18, 2021

It's Mercury Retrograde again

 And here I was thinking that the world was berko. Nah. it's only just started. 

Mind you, with the Facebook Fiasco going on, my minor dramas are nothing. 

I think this meme, sourced from the Victorians for Satirical Memes on Facebook says it all.

But despite the country going to hell in a handbasket (being the day that the Libtards dismantled the High Court, along with victim shaming a woman allegedly raped in the Defence Minister's office...and... and... and) my own personal minor technology dramas had been front of mind.

Firstly yesterday, in the middle of our afternoon standup, while on the call, the power went out. Completely deady-bones - zip - nada. I managed to call into the last of the meeting, only to find that my boss was calling for me. Opops. After half an hour of battling with a small screen, hotspotting on my phone, I called it a day.

The power came back on at 6 pm. 

Then today, in a bit of a rush, climbed on the tram, tapped my myki, and thought everything was fine. Got to the train station, tried to tap on and the card said there were no funds. I was running lae. A train was approaching the platform. So back to the ticket machine I went. It took five minutes to do the top up  - heaven knows why. The next train was seven minutes away after that, making me later. Joy. God knows why my auto-top up dropped off the card. I never have thought about topping up the card manually. 

It's been two weeks of little things like this. Things not going through, emails getting missed, strange communications. Oh, and all the passwords which have disappeared despite being saved... that's been happenening a lot. Put on top of this the Victorian five day circuit breaker lockdown. 

And of course the clusterfuck called our Federal Government.

I'm glad Mercury goes direct early next week. Bring it on I say!

Today's song: 

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