Sunday, February 7, 2021

January Part 2

 It's my cheat blog day of the week, the day where I don't have to think about what to write. I'm still amazed that I'm keeping up with the daily blogging, but the practice is bearing fruit and I'm writing more easily. If only the novel would pour out of me with the same ease. Mind you, there is a lot of other stuff to do this weekend. This includes:

  • Painting
  • Going to the gym
  • Writing and submitting this month's Furious Fiction entry
  • The obligatory housework
  • Talking to the cat
  • Putting some clothes up on online marketplaces
So I best get on with this weekend's questions, provided, as always, but Bev at Sunday Stealing

1 .Can you eat with chopsticks?

Of course. I was taught this while I was at university. Very, very handy skill to have, especially as there is so much Asian food here in Australia. I really like eating with chopsticks. 

2. Could you tell real money from counterfeit?

I like to think I can. Here in Australia we have plastic money with a lot of failsafe features, such as holographs which make it really hard to counterfeit. We also very colourful money. Saying that, who uses cash now anyway. Most of our transactions, especially with COVID, have gone to electronic methods like EFT or bank cards. I know to look for the spelling error on the $50 note

Australian bank notes

3. What do you think about school uniforms?

Having never worn a school uniform after the age of eight, I was a little miffed about not having one as a child. I think school uniforms take out the choice and the brinkmanship you find when you wear mufti every day. We had school colours - royal blue, white and gold. It was really open to interepretation. You don't have to think about it. Coming from a family that wasn't well off, you're not made to feel bad if you can't afford the latest fashions if you're in uniform. Saying that, most Austrlian school do have a uniform code. Some schools are stricter than others about enforcing these codes. 

4. What ancient civilization would you most like to visit?

I'd love to go to Ancient Rome - so many things to wonder at. 

5. What would make a great new Crayola color?

I have no idea. I've not written in crayon for a very long time, though my favourite insult is to ask people who are acting thick if they want me to spell it out in crayon for them. 

6.If an art project is created with the intent of getting rich and famous, does that cast doubt over its significance as a work of art?

Absolutely. Art should be made for art's sake. Anything after that is pure luck. Saying this, I'm off to the Triennial at the local Art Gallery next weekend. We are lucky to be able to do this. The art gallery has been closed for eight months - I can't wait to get back there. The Triennial three years ago was astounding. Nobody is famous outside art circles. Love our art gallery. 

7. What do you get in trouble for the most?

 Speaking out when I probably should keep my mouth shut. I'm a bit outspoken. 

8. Do you blow your nose in public?

Yes, but I do try to turn my back to others and do it quietly where I can. Anything is better than sniffing, which drives me up the wall. 

9. If all the nations in the world are in debt, where did all the money go?

The money goes to all the rich people and corporations, who fleece us little people. Why haven't people cottoned on to this? Something like 0.1 percent of the population are in control of 90% of its wealth. 

10. Is it as easy to make you happy now as it was when you were a child?

Yes. Give me a cat to pat, food in my belly and a cuddle (and a place to swim or exercise) and I'm good. I've really been lucky in life. Easily pleased for the most part. 

11. Who knows, or your parents?

Hmm - I'd say we know about the same. We know lots about different things. That's called being diplomatic. 

12.What instrument would you like to be famous for playing?

I'd love to be able to play the piano. I know it's not to late, but I've got other things to do with my spare time. 

13.Would you have sex with a stranger for one million dollars?

Depends on the stranger...

14.Are you completely in control of your body?

I like to think I am. Then again, I can't control the grey hairs that I need to keep covering up, but that is what being in your 50s will do to you. I look after my body, it appears to be looking after me. Long may that remain. 

15.What is the coolest web site you know of?

This one. 

Okay, when I'm not sending you to a site about refrigeration, I'll send you the The Pixies website - because there is nothing cooler than The Pixies. 

Today's Song:


Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

I remember how colourful and plastic Aussie money is - we have followed suit too.

Thank goodness it is lastic - I walked into the swimming pool in Port Douglass with my wallet in my swimshorts like the dopey idiot I am.




Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

My soon to be ex-brother-in-law & his wife live in Australia. Say "Hi" if you see him!

Kwizgiver said...

I love your crayon answer!

Me, Myself, and I said...

I'm definitely going to use the crayon answer, lol. And I've got to see this "plastic money" of which you speak. Our money is so boring compared to other countries....