Sunday, March 21, 2021

Blog Challenge

Today's Lucifer's 'Gotchaversary'. A year ago today I brought home this strange, quiet, skinny, silky yellow-eyed small panther type arrangement to hopefully be my mate. A year on, this Whiskas-loving, mostly quiet, laser dot chasing goober is still here. In the winter, he sleeps between my knees, using my legs as a pillow, he likes reading with me and he lets me pick him up for a minute or two once a day. I think he's great. I wish he was cuddlier, but them's the breaks. He's my cat and I love him to bits. Happy Gotchaversary, my love. 

How could he not be mine? How could I not fall for those eyes?

Today's questions provided, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. An unforgettable day in my life.

This may sound a little twee, but starting the Faber course last year I walked into the offices of Allen & Unwin, the publishers,  in East Melbourne. It was like walking through a portal. It felt like I was doing something really big. It was an incredible feeling and I try to remember that every time I write

2. My favorite snacks

Oh there are many, but some that come to mind:

  • Crystalised ginger
  • Burger Rings
  • Icy poles (The Brits call them ice lollies, the Americans I think call them popsicles)
  • Salt and vinegar chips
  • Fru Chocs
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Hummus and crudites

3. My biggest fashion accessory

I'm not really a fashion plate, but I love my chunky soled shoes - in particular my Harley Davidson motorcycle boots. 

4. My biggest celebrity crush

Oh, which one. I'm a sucker for an Englishman. So of course, there's Clive Owen (So filthy you just want to throw him in the bath), Tom Ellis (He's Welsh - and those eyes), Kenneth Brannagh (that voice..)...there's a long list. 

I'm currently on a bit of binge of the show, The Nanny. Charles Shaughnessy, who used to be Shane on Days of our Lives was one of my first celebrity crushes. He's still lovely.

5. One Hobby I would like to learn

I'd love to be able to play the piano. One day, maybe I'll learn. 

6. My OCD habits

I've a few of them, nothing major, but there are a few things I do. 

  • I have to check the screen door is locked of a night
  • Ironing needs to be done all at once, so I don't think I've left the iron on. 
  • I can't leave the house without having my keys in my hand - but this is a sensible thing to do. 

7. If I could eat one last meal

Oh, I think I would start with a prawn cocktail - a big one as I LOVE prawns. Then Mum's roast lamb with mint sauce and lots of roast veggies. All washed down with a creme brulee, of if it can be sourced, a halva ice cream sundae, with halva ice cream, orange blossom water syrup, Turkish Delight and Persian fairy floss - I used to have this at a restaurant in Glen Huntly, which has now closed down, but the memory of this dessert lives on. 

8. Working on my fitness

Always. I've done 15,000 steps today - started off with a walk with a friend in the rain early this morning. I love keeping fit. I'm in the gym three days a week and I try to get 10000 steps in a day. 

9. What I spend money on

It used to be travel - and I wish it was still travel. My money now goes on rent, food, books, movies and theatre. And clothes, but I've cut that down too. 

10. My favorite recipe

I have a few, but the ones that comes to mind is a chicken and roast pumpkin stir fry which always gets comments. The roasted pumpkin is wonderfully sweet and the sauce, of sweet chilli sauce, soy and lime juice goes well with the snow peas and crushed cashews. Friends often ask me to make it. 

11. The best part of each season

Summer: Balmy evenings, swims on warm evenings, beers in the beer garden

Autumn: Everything. Kicking piles of leaves. Sunsets are always better in autumn. 

Winter: Staying in bed with lots of covers on. 

Spring: Walking around without a coat after a few months. 

12. A life lesson I’ve learned

You are not entitled to know what anybody thinks of you, and it really is a waste of energy for you to care about that. 

13. My inspiration to blog

I started this blog ten years ago to document the training for running a marathon. The marathon never happened, but the blogging remains. 

14. What’s inside my closet?

Far too much crap which needs cleaning out. 

15. Let me brag a minute.

I got something published this week. Okay, it's a trade rag, but still - it's nice to see my name on paper.

Today's song:



Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

Lucifer is just like Ziggy and Star(dust). Cute black and cuddly.

You put me to shame with your exercise. 10,000 steps a day and the gym? Well done you.

"You are not entitled to know what anybody thinks of you, and it really is a waste of energy for you to care about that. " - I totally agree. The way I see it, if somebody doesn't like me or thinks badly of me, it's their loss and their problem, not mine.

Wise words.




Kwizgiver said...

I haven't listened to PJ Harvey in years!

Lucifer has the best eyes. And I need to rewatch the TV series Lucifer--he's yummy!

Bev Sykes said...

We would have just about the same last meal, only I chose crab instead of shrimp. I also had to decide between crab and lamb, but having BOTH, followed by creme brulee sounds perfect

MedicatedMoo said...

Congratulations on getting published and for celebrating a year with lovely Lucifer!

CountryDew said...

Congrats on the publication. What do you use for a step counter? My Fitbit died a slow painful death and I've not replaced it. I had trouble with the kind you wear around you wrist that check your pulse and everything else, made me sick to my stomach, actually. My old Fitbit I wore around my ankle and it didn't bother, but it was way better than a pedometer, none of which actually seem to work.

songbird's crazy world said...

Congrats on being published

Lisa said...

Visiting from Sunday Stealing - enjoyed your answers! Congrats on the publication!! When I was choosing my last meal, I forgot how much I love lamb until I read your answer. Yum!! I've never seen Burger Rings in the US.