Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Fish Rots from the Head Down

Surely there are better things to talk about. Like how we're actually going to the COVID vaccines into people's arms without messing over every GP's surgery in the process? Or how we're going to clean up the Eastern coast as a year's worth of rain has dumped itself on an unsuspecting coastline. Maybe we could talk about the treatment of women in parliament in a meaningful way.

But no, another week, another sex scandal at Parliament House. 

I quite liked this meme, thanks to Crikey.

As pointed out in the comments, we always knew the LNP were a mob of wankers. 

Actually, Crikey.com.au have been on point.

I'm just a bit over it all. It would be nice to see a Federal Government that leads for a change.

But then again, we've always been told fish rots from the head. 

I think we're seeing that now. 

Today's song:

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