Monday, March 29, 2021

That's better

 The floorboards are half down. 

And I'm very happy about this. 

The tradies are excellent and have done an awesome job (although I can close the kitchen door - but they're back tomorrow and I'll have a word - have even left a passive/aggressive note so I can be reminded to tell them about this before I chuff of to the office. 

But even half done, after 15 years of manky, mushroom coloured carpet, this is the bomb. 

It looks sooooooo much better. And it's nice underfoot. 

I can see myself tomorrow being cursed - as there are two bookshelves which need to be moved out of the spare room - and they're doing my bedroom - more moving large things.  But the back of this is broken.

Just another early start, another day working in the office (as I can't work around here with all that banging and sawing going on) and probably a day or so dusting, cleaning and rearranging once this is all over. It's pretty dusty around here. 

I hope the cat likes it. I'll retreive him once the tradies are gone. I think he might start sleeping on the bed I bought him. Floorboards might make that happen. 

But this is a very nice thing. It almost feels like I have a new flat.

Today's song: 

1 comment:

Me, Myself, and I said...

we replaced our disgusting carpet last summer, in the entire house, with beautiful porcelain tile. OMG, can't tell you what a difference. Hint...Roomba's are the bomb.