Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The new flat

I came home to a new flat. 

On entering, I noticed a few things. 

The kitchen was full of crap. My crap. But still, full of crap. 

The floor feels a bit dusty under foot. 

The third book case was back where it normally lives. 

The first and second bookshelves are still in the kitchen. They will be dealt with over the next two weeks, slowly brought back into the lounge room. 

And the place looks airier and lighter. 

The fourth book case was behind my desk and not in the spare room (also known as "the room where shoes go to die").

It looked like a new place, with the new floor. It's only been five years in the making. In the last year, the mushroom coloured carpet was getting harder and harder to keep clean (mind you, the addition of the cat probably didn't help that. 

The neighbours have been up to have a look. They reckon it's quieter overhead with the floorboards. 

And five hours on from coming home, things are starting to fall into place. 

The bed has been made. 

Most of the crap in the kitchen is now back in the room where shoe go to die. 

I've swept a couple of times. 

The cables, which run all over the place, have been tidied and attached to the walls. 

I've been dusting - but I'll be doing that for a week I reckon. Such is the process of ripping up one set of flooring and putting down another. 

All I need to do now is collect the cat from Blarney and Barney's place tomorrow night - and watch his reaction to the new place. He's not great with change.

But I love my new flat. (The next job on the wish list is the kitchen. I've been here fifteen years. Maybe in another few years that wish will come true too.)

Today's song: 

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