After a bit of a week of it - most of it spent sitting at the computer working, I now am behind in my writing. So it's going to be short answers the to the questions today. At least I've been for a walk, got a coffee, made my bed and done a load of washing. See, productive. All I have to do now is make the pumpkin soup. The pumpkin got roasted last night - now I just have to make the soup. Easy.
Strange questions today, but thanks must go to Bev at Sunday Stealing who does a great job sourcing these each week.
1. If you could be a Muppet, which would you be?
Jay and I are often referred to as Statler and Waldorf in pump class - as we shout stuff at the instructor from the back row. But I am rather fond of Rolf. I've always wanted to play the piano.

2. Why is a chicken crossing the road in the first place??
I have no idea. It's going home? It's hungry? It's escaping the rooster's attentions? No idea.
3. What's your favorite muscle?
I love the sternocleidomastoid. The name rolls off your tongue nicely. It helps keep your head on straight, among other things.

4. Cheerios or Rice Krispies?
We don't have either cereal here - we have rice bubbles, which are Rice Crispies, which I don't like that much, and coco pops, which are just chocolate covered rice bubbles. We have a variation of cheerios, which are called Froot Loops, but they are revoltingly sweet. I'm more a Honey Nut Cornflakes sort of girl.
5. Is summer ever going to get here?
It's the middle of winter here - it is nearly July. Summer is a good four months away.
6. Have you ever had a utility turned off by mistake or some other reason besides weather or nonpayment?
A few years ago the whole state went through a meter upgrade, where they replaced every household electricity meter with a new smart meter across the whole network. I got home to no power when this was done - had to call a number and an engineer came to test the new meter and to reinstall the fuses. We had notice of this, but I didn't have power for a few hours as I waited for the guy to come.
7. What was your "last day" of something?
I gave up caffeine two years ago at Easter. Do I miss caffeine now? No, not at all. I now drink almond decaf lattes.
8. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which one would you choose?
Suits, please, just so I can perve on Harvey.
9. Did you have any type of class trip, band trip, etc in high school? Where did you go, what did you do?
I went on snow camp in Year 11. Went for a week to Mount Hotham, stayed on the mountain and learned to ski. My lasting memory of the trip is how the INX album, The Swing played on repeat 18 hours a day. I've hated INXS ever since. I've never skied again either, more through lack of opportunity.
10. Do your feet smell?
Don't everybody's feet smell? I shower twice a day and change my shoes and socks regularly, so they're normally not too bad.
11. Do you know how to french braid?
Yes. I can braid my own hair as well as other people's. It's a handy thing as friend's children love having their hair braided. People used to come to me at college to braid their hair.
12. Two guys are walking down the street. One drops his hat and reaches down to pick it up, the other kicks him in the ass. Do you laugh?
Probaby. Depends on the tone of the kick.
13. You wake up one morning and dogs are meowing and cats are barking - what are fish, elephants and crocodiles doing?
Fish are bubbling, elephants are honking and crocodiles are doing the roll.
14. You are going to your high school reunion. What award are you going to win?
I went to my 30th high school reunion. We didn't have prizes. It was held at the Willunga Football Club. If there was an award, it might be the 'still awkward award' (If any of my old school compatriots are reading this, maybe leave a comment.)
15. You find yourself stranded on a deserted island. Soon you find a laptop with a lifelong battery and internet connection, then you find a cave with an endless supply of food and a spring of fresh water. A cruise ship comes along to save you - do you get on it?
After the events if this year, there is NO WAY I am getting on a cruise ship. They used to be a great way to get gastro. (Stomach flu as the Americans call it). Now its a great way to get Coronavirus. I'll stay on the island.
16. How many shortcuts do you have on your desktop?
I think I only use the standard keyboard shortcuts regularly:
17. I offer you a pie... the most delicious pie you have ever seen. You either have to eat the entire thing in one sitting or allow me to slam it into your face, which do you choose?
I think I'll eat the pie.
18. Are you a pen stealer?
Only from the stationery cupboard at work and from hotels. I have been known to walk away with a pen in my hand, but I do try return them.
19. A dude from China comes up and offers you German chocolate cake, French fries and a Boston cream pie... what color is your car?
My car is red.
20. Sometimes you just have to tap your foot to your favorite song - which tv series season finale are you watching?
Today's song:
Strange questions today, but thanks must go to Bev at Sunday Stealing who does a great job sourcing these each week.
1. If you could be a Muppet, which would you be?
Jay and I are often referred to as Statler and Waldorf in pump class - as we shout stuff at the instructor from the back row. But I am rather fond of Rolf. I've always wanted to play the piano.
2. Why is a chicken crossing the road in the first place??
I have no idea. It's going home? It's hungry? It's escaping the rooster's attentions? No idea.
3. What's your favorite muscle?
I love the sternocleidomastoid. The name rolls off your tongue nicely. It helps keep your head on straight, among other things.
4. Cheerios or Rice Krispies?
We don't have either cereal here - we have rice bubbles, which are Rice Crispies, which I don't like that much, and coco pops, which are just chocolate covered rice bubbles. We have a variation of cheerios, which are called Froot Loops, but they are revoltingly sweet. I'm more a Honey Nut Cornflakes sort of girl.
5. Is summer ever going to get here?
It's the middle of winter here - it is nearly July. Summer is a good four months away.
6. Have you ever had a utility turned off by mistake or some other reason besides weather or nonpayment?
A few years ago the whole state went through a meter upgrade, where they replaced every household electricity meter with a new smart meter across the whole network. I got home to no power when this was done - had to call a number and an engineer came to test the new meter and to reinstall the fuses. We had notice of this, but I didn't have power for a few hours as I waited for the guy to come.
7. What was your "last day" of something?
I gave up caffeine two years ago at Easter. Do I miss caffeine now? No, not at all. I now drink almond decaf lattes.
8. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which one would you choose?
Suits, please, just so I can perve on Harvey.
9. Did you have any type of class trip, band trip, etc in high school? Where did you go, what did you do?
I went on snow camp in Year 11. Went for a week to Mount Hotham, stayed on the mountain and learned to ski. My lasting memory of the trip is how the INX album, The Swing played on repeat 18 hours a day. I've hated INXS ever since. I've never skied again either, more through lack of opportunity.
10. Do your feet smell?
Don't everybody's feet smell? I shower twice a day and change my shoes and socks regularly, so they're normally not too bad.
11. Do you know how to french braid?
Yes. I can braid my own hair as well as other people's. It's a handy thing as friend's children love having their hair braided. People used to come to me at college to braid their hair.
12. Two guys are walking down the street. One drops his hat and reaches down to pick it up, the other kicks him in the ass. Do you laugh?
Probaby. Depends on the tone of the kick.
13. You wake up one morning and dogs are meowing and cats are barking - what are fish, elephants and crocodiles doing?
Fish are bubbling, elephants are honking and crocodiles are doing the roll.
14. You are going to your high school reunion. What award are you going to win?
I went to my 30th high school reunion. We didn't have prizes. It was held at the Willunga Football Club. If there was an award, it might be the 'still awkward award' (If any of my old school compatriots are reading this, maybe leave a comment.)
15. You find yourself stranded on a deserted island. Soon you find a laptop with a lifelong battery and internet connection, then you find a cave with an endless supply of food and a spring of fresh water. A cruise ship comes along to save you - do you get on it?
After the events if this year, there is NO WAY I am getting on a cruise ship. They used to be a great way to get gastro. (Stomach flu as the Americans call it). Now its a great way to get Coronavirus. I'll stay on the island.
16. How many shortcuts do you have on your desktop?
I think I only use the standard keyboard shortcuts regularly:
- Control-A
- Control-X
- Control-Z
- Control-C
- Control-V
- Windows-L (To put the computer to sleep)
- Shift-F7 (Thesaurus)
- Control-Alt-Delete (the Karen buttons - so you get the manager)
- Control-F
- Control-G
- Control-S
Oh, I use a few of these - needed for my job.
17. I offer you a pie... the most delicious pie you have ever seen. You either have to eat the entire thing in one sitting or allow me to slam it into your face, which do you choose?
I think I'll eat the pie.
18. Are you a pen stealer?
Only from the stationery cupboard at work and from hotels. I have been known to walk away with a pen in my hand, but I do try return them.
19. A dude from China comes up and offers you German chocolate cake, French fries and a Boston cream pie... what color is your car?
My car is red.
20. Sometimes you just have to tap your foot to your favorite song - which tv series season finale are you watching?
Today's song:
Hi Pand,
I gave up caffeine too. I started drinking to much coffee and it drove me bananas. Probably about two years too.
Decaf tea is actually quite quaffable.
nothing is simple... with billions of humans running amok on earth, we need some kind of organization... just a good kind that listens to the people... that's what's missing, intent to listen to the people and help. It turns into power play... I see it in quilt groups too... a president goes heady with power and ruins the group!
I almost said neck muscle as it helps us keep our chins up!!!
Loved "The Crocodile Roll" !
We are of a similar mind on the cruise ship question. :)
You've got me appreciating the neck muscle today. :-)
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