Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June Progress - July Goals

Ah, it's the end of the month. And looking at this, I haven't done that well. But this is okay - I'm letting myself off the hook. A bad case of gastro and a death in the family don't make it condusive for obtaining goals. I think July will be good for a reset.

Anyway, here's this months check in and the goals for next month.

Oh, and as of today, I've managed to blog every day for six whole months. For me, this is a result. It's pretty incredible for me, actually. Although I write crap most of the time, I do feel like I've achieved something.

Okay. How did we do in June.

1) Get 15000 words of the novel written.

Yeah, nah. More like 7500 words were written - but gastro didn't help. I have done some rewriting and planning, so not all is lost.

2) Walk 90 kilometres in the month.

Didn't happen. Gastro, then my uncle's passing - this went out the window. But, I have still exercised at least four times a week, so again, we have to take the good with this.

3) Write down everything I spend.

Yeah, didn't happen. I have been saving, so all is not lost.

4) Read four books.

Nearly. I finished Carrie Tiffany's Mateship with Birds, Sally Rooney's Normal People, a friend's book of short stories (S.C. Farrow's Open Wounds) and I am halfway through Pip Williams' The Dictionary of Lost Words.

5) Mop the floors once a week, hoover twice a week.

Okay, not perfect but better. Floors were hoovered once a week and I mopped twice over the month. This is much better than the month before. I just have to keep this up. I hate doing floors.

6) Make two new dishes for dinner.

I made one new thing. Lemon Delicious pudding is my new thing. Friends have asked I bring it again.

And for July, some bigger goals - especially as I'll be home for most of it. At the moment I'm not locked down, but give it time - let's just hope this doesn't happen.

1) Work on the novel every day.

I think rather than giving myself a word count, this is a more realistic goal, especially as I've got some things like research and rewriting to do. I'd still like to get 10,000 words written, but I think this is a good SMART goal. Mind you, Mercury is still in retrograde until 12 July. We must be kind to ourselves.

2) Read four books

This might be a bit harder - we have Christos Tsiolkas's Damascus on the list for book group. It's supposed to be tough. But it is a good goal to have too. The cat likes reading with me.

3) Eliminate gluten, dairy and sugar from my diet

This is my version of Dry July.

I think I've told people about what it was like to quit gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine and alcohol out of my life cold turkey. It's time to do it again. I haven't taken caffeine in two years and I drink very little. So when I am feeding myself, these are the rules. The fridge is free of this stuff now, so I'm good to start. Exceptions will be allowed for eating out and on the very odd occasion I'm out with friends. I only do the latter once a  week - and when eating out I can make good choices. Alos if we do manage to get to go on the Gunnas Writer's retreat, bets will be off, particularly if Hugo makes his cheesecake again. And Ash's scones. Oh, and the poke bowls, but they're pretty much on the plan.

4) Get at least 45 minutes of exercise five times a week.

Again, should be doable, illness or more stringent lockdown aside. We're allowed out for exercise. I just like being back in the gym.

5) Every day, deal with 20 things.

20 things is a concept my friend Jonella put me onto. Basically you put away / throw away / sort 20 things onve a day. It's amazing how much better dealing with 20 things at a time can be. I need to attack the spare room. This is a good way of doing it.

6) Get the Mason's books done by the end of the month.

A yearly chore. I will just have to sit myself down and do it - and find a printer as I can't print this off at work at the moment. (or maybe I could go in for a day... hmmmm)

There are some big things here, and some not so big things.

Wish me luck.

Today's Song:

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