Monday, June 29, 2020

Unpopular Opinions

I will say in advance, most of these are not my real opinions. But they are things I do think about and then let it all go into the big shade of grey that is my brain.

One of the great things about being a writer is sometimes you get to think about things from other people's points of view and perspectives. In writing a dystopian novel, you get to delve into the psyches of all sorts of weird and wonderful people and then you get to think like them. It can be a bit off-putting. They can also speak a bit of truth - albeit their own strange truth.

And then there is the internet - there is all sorts of crazy on there.

So I've been thinking, what sort of strange and odd things have come out recently.

Well here are a few of these things.

  1. The Coronavirus is nature's way of telling the human race to sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up and start re-evaluating our life choices. It's like humanity is a recalcitrant five year old being put in the naughty corner, and we're beginning to see all of the things we have to be responsible for. It's not just like we've forgotten to feed the goldfish or tidy our rooms - we've pretty much fucked up a planet. Maybe this is nature's way of giving humanity a very large time out. 
  2. The Dutch were onto something when they lynched, and ate, their Prime Minister in 1672
  3. Huntsman spiders are proof that God has no sense of humour. God is evil, vindictive and he talks and laughs like Janice from Friends
  4. Donald Trump has some pretty amazing Kool-Aid. This period of time is here to expose just who has drunk this stuff and has had 70 IQ points taken off them. 
  5. Okay, so we're a nanny state, but wouldn't it be great if they turned off the nanny state for a few months and the dickheads were allowed to take themselves out in grand Darwin Award style fashions. The place might not need a nanny state after that. 
  6. Churches should be taxed - to get any sort of tax exemption they need to open their books and show where the funds have come from and where they have gone. No open books, no tax breaks. 
  7. Australia is now an authoritarian police state. I blame John Howard for getting into bed with Pauline Hanson for this. 
  8. Anybody with direct religious affiliations to fundamentalist groups should be banned from parliament.Any parliament. 
  9. So should lawyers. 
  10. People over 80 should be refused heroic, curative medical treatment (Pallative is fine)
  11. They should relax some of the abortion regulations as well - anybody from the Pro-Life camp should automatically be charged with feeding, clothing, educating, loving and raising the children they insist are brought into the world. 
  12. Cats are better than dogs. 
  13. Men found guilty of mansplaining should be subjected to marathons of the the "Ladies, we need to talk" podcast. 
  14. Karl Stefanovic has something very large and juicy on a couple of the big wigs at Channel Nine - why else would they put him on the telly. 
  15. The current government are defunding the ABC because they are scared that they will show just how incompetent they are. 
  16. Rupert Murdoch is really a member of The Illuminati He's starting to look that way. 
  17. They should bring back reading, writing and maths as the prime focus of primary school. 
  18. In high school, every child should learn a language and a musical instrument and play in a bad for at least two years. 
  19. There should be a 'woke' meter. Those going into the red zone on the 'woke meter' should be made to live on the streets for a week. 
  20. Clementine Ford for PM. 

Okay, that was really quite fun. I should do more of this. 

Remember, I only subscribe to a few of these opinions. I'm just not saying which ones.

(PS The song is on point today) 

Today's Song:

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