Sunday, August 30, 2020

Live Journal

Level Four Lockdown: Day Twenty-Eight
Curfew. 8 p.m.
Mood: Got that Sunday in Lockdown kind of feeling

We're four weeks into this lockdown and it is starting to get the better for me made worse by some decent weather over the weekend. At least there is only two weeks left of this stage four lockdown. The transmission numbers are going down (from 700 a day a month ago to around 100 a day - in four weeks). But I'm over it.

Anyway, today's questions have been provided, as always, but Bev at Sunday Stealing. (Good questions this week)

1. Who is the hottest celebrity you can think of?

At present, it's a mix of Andrew Scott, Tom Ellis and Clive Owen. Always a sucker for an Englishman.

2. Do you ever get so nervous that you can't even think?

Not really - I tend to overthink things, then get nervous, not the othe way around.

3. Do you sing when there is no music?

All the time. Especially in the shower.

4.Who was the best political leader in history and why?

Controversial choice, but I have a soft spot for Julia Gillard, Australias first and only female Prime Minister. An amazing woman. Stood up the the patriarchy and establishment and she got things done.

John F Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln are favourites from the Americas. I like Tony Blair in his early years too. Nelson Mandela also has a place in my heart.

5 If you could dance with anyone in the world right now, who would it be and what song would you dance to?

I would like to dance with a special friend ot My Funny Valentine as long as they could put up with me crying on their shoulder.

6 Finish this sentence your own way. There are two types of people in the world...

Those who know there are more things to learn, and those who wear tinfoil hats.

7 What have you saved since elementary school?

Nothing. I think there are some old school photos hanging around somewhere, but that is about it.

8 Have you ever won an award?

I've won a couple of short story competitions. That is about it.

9. Do you feel more connected to the sun or the moon?

I've very lunar. My moods can be predicted by the moon phase. Love the moon.

10 Do flaws make people interesting to you?

Absolutely. Interesting people have flaws.

11 Who is your favorite historical figure?

William Shakespeare. I'm just a Shakespeare boffin. I'd love to be around that sort of creative genius.

12. White bread or wheat bread?

I'm in the anything other than white bread camp. White bread is only for barbeques, fairy bread and bread and butter pudding (if you don't have croissants or challah for the latter)

Image result for sausage and bread
Image result for fairy bread

I like a good seedy bread, or sourdough. The more fibre the better.

13. Do you usually do things fast or right?

I try to do things right. My do it a number of times when you can do it right the first time. I'm not a fan of rework.

14. Are you or have you ever been in a band?

Only the school concert band when I was at school.

15. Here are 4 statements about me. Only one of them is true. Which one is it?

  • In a former life I wanted to be a chartered accountant
  • I own twenty red lipsticks
  • I love the colour pink
  • I think I'm English, but I'm not. 
The last fact is true. I feel I'm British on the inside.  (I have never wanted to be an accountant, I own 18 red lipsticks and I hate pink)

16. Would you wear a thong bathing suit in public?

Absolutely not. Too old for that crap.

17. Have you thought about death today?

Ah, yes, but as that is a main theme of my novel it's hard not to think about death - no my death, more death as a theme.

18. What is your favorite breakfast?

Eggs which somebody else has made me. If I can get it, a decent Eggs Benedict with smoked salmon is always the best .

I'm also looking forward to Cafe Delish's French Toast when we are out of lockdown and the cafes are open for sit down trade once again.

19. Are you the life of the party?

No. You can normally find me in the kitchen talking to the cat at parties.

20. If you hit an animal with your car would you get out to try and make sure it was okay?

Absolutely. Possibly with the exeption of snakes. Hate snakes. You apply the brakes as you run over snakes to make sure you break their backs. Hate snakes.

21. When do you get your most peaceful and satisfying sleep?

When there is somebody else in the bed - and I sleep better in winter.

22. What thought gets you out of bed in the morning?

Must feed the cat before he stomps me to death. I will give it to him that he normally waits until 7.30 to stop on me. He's a good boy.

23. What are you a member of?

The Freemasons (Le Droit Humain). The Invisible Middle Aged Women's club.  The Australian Society of Technical Communicators. That's about it.

24. Name one place you refuse to ever go.

Kuta Beach in Bali. I love going to Bali - I was hoping to be in Bali in November, but as we're not allowed to leave the country at the moment, that's not happening. Bali is great - but Kuta is normally full of the worst types of Australian tourist - boorish, loud, drunk. I'll keep going to Ubud and Seminyak if and when I get back there.

25. When (and if) people (or animals) go to heaven, do they become angels?

I don't think so. I think there are only a certain number of angels - but souls do live on.

Today's Song:


Stacy said...

These were fun questions this week and I enjoyed learning a bit more about you. I did guess the right answer. I've paid attention and know you love England. Have a great week!

Kwizgiver said...

I guessed the right answer for #15!

Bev Sykes said...

I was disappointed that I didn't get a chance to guess which was the wrong answer (I would have been wrong anyway)

I'd be out there with you and the house animal.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

You probably know my thoughts on Shakespeare :o)

That said, I would have liked to have met him at the time he was writing because it was relevant to that time.

Not now though.




Lori said...

I am all about you running over snakes! Yikes! They are so gross to me. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

Julie said...

Andrew Scott is adorable! Have you seen him as the hot priest in Fleabag?