Friday, August 14, 2020


Level Four Lockdown: Day Thirteen
Curfew. 8 p.m.
Mood: Okay - lots to think about. Mainly about the novel.

Today had me at a nin a.m. doctors appointment. Just the regular six month appointmet to get some prescriptions renewed, nothing bad.

Things have changed at the doctors. The protocol is strict. There are spit screens. You can't enter the building without a mask. You have to confirm you are not displaying respitory symptoms, haven't been near anybody who's tested positive for COVID-19 or waiting for a COVID-19 test.  There's also a rather ominous sign asking you to be nice to the reception staff. I have no idea how they do what they do - I can't imagine the dickheads they encounter. Then they take your temperature, then you get to the waiting room.

My doctor was running uncharacteristically late. I thought I had the first appointment. The people in front of me had a baby with them. It made her run late. I got in the see her at 9.40. It doesn't happen very often.

The business was conducted quickly. She was in full PPE. Gown, gloves, mask, visor. It's strange not talking to her face to face.

When she checked in on my mental health, I told her I was fine because I have a cat. And I introduced her to Lucifer.

"You know about Lucifer?" she asked.
"Of course. Who do you think I named my cat after?"
"He's a bit fine."
"Lucifer, or the cat?"
"Well both.."

Seems my doctor's teenage sons don't quite get why their mother very much enjoys watching a big, black, funny Welshman get his kit off.

I do.

"Even better, new episodes are coming next weekend."
"I know," she said, "I'm taking over the television for the weekend. "

Seems we "Lucifans", are taking over the world.

Anything to give you some jollies in these lockdown conditions. Mind you I'd never say no to a 6'3", dark-haired, well build Welshman with a wicked giggle.

Today's song:

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