Thursday, August 27, 2020

Two more hours in the day

Level Four Lockdown: Day Twenty-Five
Curfew. 8 p.m.
Mood: My head is too full

I want two more hours in the day. Especially on weekdays.Especially if I could be assured that Lucifer would be asleep for those two hours. 

Even in lock down, I want two more hours in the day, so I can do the things I want to prioritise - and catch up on the time I spend keeping the cat amused/prevent him from scratching me like a tree trunk. 

So, what would I do in my two hours?

Well, I'd dedicate half an hour to reading. I'm presently reading for ten minutes at time, reading 30 pages a day if I'm lucky. 

The other half hour would be designated writing time. I kn ow I write for a few hours a day. It's my job, but I'd like a half hour where I feel like writing my novel.

Another half an hour for exercise would be great, on top of the hour I get outside.

And the extra half an hour would be just for me - maybe slepp.

And I know that really, if I was just a little more driven and less of procrastinator, I could find this time.

But that would mean giving up watching daft television and pimple porn.

Ah well, maybe that's a goal for next momth.

Today's Song:

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