Saturday, August 1, 2020

I Miss the Movies

There are rituals of my former life which I am missing terribly.

I miss going to the cinema.

I miss looking forward to the 6.30 session at the local cinema.

I miss seeing English films in the cinema on Friday nights.

I miss hunting out obscure outhouse gems.

I miss the obligatory boysenberry choc top.

I miss seeing my Punjabi kid brother for our monthly family movie.

I miss pondering the joy of seeing films on the big screen.

I miss catching up with friends at the cinema.

I miss talking about new films with my friends.

I miss being able to hide away in the dark for a few hours.

I miss seeing the trailers before hte film comes on.

I miss going to the cinema with the lie back seats and putting my handbag behind my head.

I miss carrying a handbag around the place.

I miss the feeling of joy when you see something amazing and then pondering it for a few hours.

I miss recommending films to my Mum.

I've been trying to remain positive through this COVID bollocks, but it really hit me today. Movies watched on the television are not the same.

I hope movies come back soon.

I miss them.

Today's song:

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