Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tedium and Sunshine

Level Four Lockdown: Day Nine
Curfew. 8 p.m.
Mood: Bored. Rather bored. Very bored.

There is a tedium to working from home day after day after day. The routine remains the same. Along the lines of Groundhog Day, the days all seem the same. There are the tedious days, the busy days, the boring days and the hard days.

Today's a tedious day. The meetings are boring. The day's tasks are dull.

So you look for small joys.

After a long morning of tedium, lunchtime came. To overcome the general malaise, I took myself to the special lunch shop for a special lunch, just to see a bit of the outside world.

I was watched as I walked down the road. The eponymous mask makes it hard to smile at dogs. They get confused - can't read the signs.

There is something very lovely about standing in the sunshine, waiting for the hipsters to make your lunch. As my hair is long, I've never like the wind, but just feeling the breeze through your hair is a joy.

And then my lunch and coffee arrived and I walked back home. It was a 20 minute round trip, but it was lovely.

And then I got back to my annoying workmate and his demands.

As I said, it's all a bit tedious.

Today's Song

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