Sunday, December 13, 2020

COVID Questions

It's going to be really interesting to do these questions as we here, in Australia, have been lucky enough to have practically run the virus out of town. After six months of heavy restrictions, we're getting back to something that looks like normal. Yes, we're still having to wear masks when we can't social distance - shopping centres, public transport etc. There are some restrictions on some numbers, but the borders to the states are now open and things feel pretty good. But it has been a very long, hard road. 

Questions, as always, supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Day 1 of serious isolation behavior:

Well, I could take this as about the 11th of March - that was when I started working from home. There was a time late June where things freed up a bit. But I'll take this from, I think it was August 2 when we had Stage 4 Lockdown imposed. Only allowed out for exercise, shopping or care giving for an hour a day. Mask were deemed mandatory. You weren't allowed further than 5 kilometres (3 miles) from your front door. Thing is, we're basically COVID free now. So we got used to all this. And I sort of miss being stuck at home. Going outside without a mask still feels strange. It was an introvert's paradise. 

2. First trip you had to cancel.

I was supposed to go to Sydney in April. That was cancelled. Should look to using those flight and hotel credits soon. 

3. Other trips canceled    

It was more trips that couldn't be made - I didn't make my Uncle's funeral in May because it was interstate and I couldn't get to Adelaide for love nor money. Same for my mother's 80th birthday in September.  I was hoping to go to Bali in November - that didn't happen. My travel money is in my travel account. It's okay. 

4. Last trip out of town before isolation.   

Sydney in March. Good thing is I'm driving to Adelaide to go home for Christmas the week after next. 

5. Furthest from home since isolation.

Oh, since lockdown, I think the trip to see Jonella in Mordialloc is the furthest I've been from home. But that is normal. Jonella is about 22 kilometres away in the Southern suburbs. Looking forward to seeing a friend in the Dandenongs and in Ballarat soon. They're 50 and 120 kilometres away respectively. 

6. Last Meal sitting in a restaurant before Isolation.   

Before Iso, it was in February - we had book group at our normal café. I've been in restaurants regularly since lockdown ended here on 2 November. 

7. How many books have you read?

I've read a lot - nearly 35 books this year. It's been good for reading this lockdown arrangement. 

8. First event you didn’t attend due to virus.

I went to Sydney to see The Pixies in March. They cancelled - and rightly so. I couldn't get to my uncle's funeral in Adelaide in May as the borders were closed between the states. To go, I would have had to quarantine for 14 days before seeing anybody. That wasn't going to happen. Adelaide was having a better time of things at the time - 50 people at a funeral in Adelaide at the time. They'd offered me a spot. In Melbourne until six weeks ago, you could have ten at a funeral. That's nowa lot more, depending on inside, outside and distancing arrangements - much more normal. 

9. Date and event of last over 200-person event.

I think it was when I went to the theatre back in February. That would be it. Going to Shakespeare in the park on 29 December -  looking forward to that. 

10. Last live music event.

Before the alleged Pixies concert for March - oh, hell - not that it was music, but the My Dad Wrote a Porno at the Palais was the nearest to that sort of thing. I don't see much live music.

11. Things you are eating more of since isolation.

Candied ginger. Peanut paste and jam on toast (Americans, that's what you call peanut butter and jelly - I just can't bring myself to call it that - and the bread must be toasted - and eaten while hot.)

12. Things you are eating less of since isolation.

Pasta - gone right off it for some reason. 

13. What restaurants have you gotten take-out meals from?

Over lockdown, the occasional call to Uber Eats for fish and chips was made. In the break between the first and second lockdown, we did a really posh dinner with Jonella and Norty. Attica at Home was a godsend. 

14. Have you found yourself bored in isolation?

No - just wanting to do different things, outside - and to go to movies, galleries and plays. I've been going to the movies weekly for the last few weeks. 

15. Have you gained or lost weight?

Surprising, I've lost weight, but I have been trying. 

16. Do you drink alcohol?


17. If so, more or less in isolation?

About the same - 2-3 gin and tonics a week maximum - but that is about it. I drink very little.

18. What entertainments have you explored?   

The streaming services were hit hard. I fell in love with Fleabag, Virgin River and The Queen's Gambit. 

19. Gotten into anything new?

Not really. I've been reading a lot more of the New York Times, but that's more about the farce that is the American election and the COVID response. 

20. Have you done crosswords? Board bames?  Jigsaw puzzles?

Only the Guardian quick crossword most days, but I've done that for years. We played a bit of Cards Against Humanity over my birthday. That was fun. Online version of course. 

21. Have you cleaned out some cabinet, drawer, closet, etc. thoroughly?

I've done a bit of that over the last nine months. About to do another round of it. 

22. Are you spending about the same amount of money?

I've been spending a lot less than I have of late. Mind you, now we're out of iso, you see how much you do spend on things like going out and the like. 

23. Done Zoom, Facetime, etc. meetups?

Over the last nine months, this is been my main way of seeing people. It is so nice to be able to see people face to face (even if socially distanced) We're having the first book group meet up in person tomorrow. Yay. Used Zoom, Teams, Facetime, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp - you name it, it's been used to connect with people. 

24. Had a social occasion with a small group of people you consider safe?

Again, we're out of lockdown, so things are groovy. Over lockdown, other than seeing my 'bubble' buddy, I was pretty strict, only meeting one other for a walk outside. We made it work that way and things were fine. But we had very restrictive rules during stage four - nobody in your place other than your bubble mates and essential tradespeople. I stuck by the rules. Thankfully, this worked. 

25. Did you vote? In Person? On Election Day?

We only had a  local election which was done by mail during this time. Any Federal and State elections held over this time were done with strict distancing and mask requirements, and I think they were wanting people to put in postal votes if they could. I normally do early or postal voting. Far easier and you don't harassed at the polling booth. We have a very open, transparent, indepentent, regulated voting system over here, with scrutineers from both sides present. It's good - not of the crap we're seeing out of America at the moment, which is frankly, it seems, has one man embarrassing for the country and its people.  

Today's song: 


Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

You are so lucky to be virtually Covid free. I yearn for the day in the future when we are too.

Good song choice.




Bev Sykes said...

I loved Queen's Gambit and I'm just into Virgin River now - it's a soap opera, but I'm enjoying it.

Ordinarily Just Me said...

Yes, very good music. I personally liked the Queens Gambit but only watched the first episode. I wish that here in the U.S. we were more organized and willing to follow the rules that have been put out---As an American I can say I am pretty embarrassed by our leader(s) but hope that things will change soon. Loved your responses-OJM

CountryDew said...

You guys did it right. The USA is a hot mess.

Jen said...

Love your answers! I am gonna have to try a toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich! That actually sounds so delicious! So, tell me - is Queen's Gambit worth watching? I have been seeing it pop on my list lately. =) Y'all keep up the great work! I wish the people here would just quit thinking they are being restricted and just try to keep each other safe. If we were doing that, our numbers would probably not be as high. I have had so many members in my family test positive and a couple of them hospitalized. Thankfully, everyone has come through. But they are also the ones running around not wanting to wear a mask. 😑