Monday, December 7, 2020

Random Observations

I'm not feeling it today - and it's cold and I want an early night so I can read and cuddle the cat. 

So here are a few observations from today. 

  • Walking around with a piece of duct tape stuck on the ball of your foot is more comfortable than you think it's going to be. 
  • My cat has mastered the kick to the guts move. He is very good at making himself heavy. Having him land his full weight on my stomach at 6 am is akin to a right uppercut to the guts. I will get him back. 
  • Coles does this great line of mocktail icy poles in strawberry daquiri, mojito and Magarita flavours. They are awesome even if they aren't alcoholic. 
  • Deborah Conway will always be amazing (see song of the day). What am I expected to do? Shout man overboard!.
  • It feels great that the gym is back on its normal 24 hour schedule - it's really cool. 
  • Wiping down all the equipment after using it in the gym has become so much of a habit, I can't believe we didn't do it before COVID. 
  • I rather liked this. It came into my messenger feed. It made me smile. 
  • Where the Crawdads Sing was a great book to end the year on for book group, even if I wasn't convinced by the ending. 
  • My new telly show is Schitt's Creek. I know I'm late to the party, but I love these people. Johnny, Moira, Alexis, David, Stevie, Mutt and the rest of them. The bit where Stevie and David talk after their night together is classic, and priceless. They're just grouse. It's sweet and funny

  • Things that make the day better - Old Gold Rum and Raisin chocolate, harissa paste, kettlebell swings, home brewed kombucha, cat cuddles.
  • I bagged the lollies for the book group vote on Sunday during a meeting (where I just had to listen - it was actually an interesting meeting about my employers involvement in the Foodbank charity. Because of COVID, instead of the normal clinkers, liquorice allsorts, jaffas and the like, we have wrapped lollies - minties, red skins, sherbies, milk chews and chocolate eclairs. The rubber glove is in the bag to keep touch points down. The cat helped me bag them up. 

  • I forgot how strange hail can be. It hailed today. It's weird. 
  • Lucifer has the best bum wiggle when he's chasing his laser beam.
  • If I get my ironing done early in the week, I feel virtuous.
That will do. Bed time. 

Today's Song:


1 comment:

Me, Myself, and I said...

OMG, that cat is adorable. I had a black cat once, his name was Binx (remember Hocus Pocus, the movie). I had to give him up (evil landlord) but my Mom took him on, and he lived a wonderful life chasing squirrels and being a badass in South Carolina). Much better than living in an apartment for sure.