Saturday, December 26, 2020

What I have learned from blogging every day this year

 I never set out at the start of the year to write a blog post every day, but somehow, over this crazy year, during the months at home, all through the lockdown, despite every day, every week running into each other, I somehow managed to put fingers to keyboard every day and post someting. 99% of it is complete rubbish, but there is the odd good post. 

On the better side if things, I've learned a lot from this daily blogging. Most bloggers will tell you that even blogging daily for a month is a stretch. Finding things to write about can be difficult, especially when you're living it large in your lounge room 23 hours a day - but somehow you manage. 

So, what did I learn from blogging daily?

Setting yourself small challenges gets you places

Whether it be a music challenge where the song of the day is from a particular era, or be it counting down the days of the lockdown, a daily challenge gives your brain somewhere to go. There were times when it would 11.30 in the evening and there was still nothing on the page. It's good if you can find something to write about during the day.  Doesn't matter how ridiculous. 

Give yourself a 'day off' each week

For me, that's the weekly Q&A I do through Sunday Stealing. It means you don't have to think too hard about what you're writing. I've been doing this for years. 

There is only so much you can write about your cat

Enough said - even if he is the most darling boy of darling boys in the world. 

And keep the politics to a minimum

Especially with all of the politicians acting like arseholes at the moment. I'm not an political blogger, but I'll dip my toe in for a whinge every now and then. I couldn't do it daily. I'm also too thin skinned to deal with the trolls, as I am also not one to suffer idiots gladly. But sometimes it has to be done. 

There is something good about making a commitment like this

At thes start of the year I told myself I'd blog daily for January. I was off work at the time and it was a good thing to do, seeing I had little else to do other than look for work. Then COVID came an blogging daily gave me a bit of a sense of purpose, and a record of what it was like during lockdown. I'm really glad I have this record of things.

It's okay to re-read your stuff

Mind you, when I re-read it, I then go and do another edit. It has been good this year to work out what was going on, and when. Now that we're out of lockdown, it's good to see what you were thinking back then.

It's not a waste of time

Any time spent writing is good. I do berate myself for not using this time to spend on that bloody novel, but still, I'm not in the habit of doing this. Writing is like a muscle - you need to use it regularly to keep things up and running.

Thing is, with five days left of the year, I have to ponder what I will do next year? Stop blogging? Keep going a few days a weeks? Keep up the daily practice.

I don't have an answer for this yet. At the moment, I'm just proud of myself for keeping at it. 

Today's song: 

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