Sunday, December 27, 2020

For those who celebrate Christmas #2

Thankfully Christmas is nearly over for another year. The main day is over. I was pleasantly spoiled, the meal was lovely, and now I'm sitting at Mum's kitchen table having a write. I've got a big day visiting people before I return to Melbourne on Monday. I've also discovered the wonders of SBS World Movies - so many gems that could have me glued to the screen, but no, we're just relaxing here with Mum. At night, I walk up the hill to the granny flat, which is a very nicely converted shed. There, I can chill by myself. It's good having that time out. After being in lockdown for so long, it still feels strange spending time with more than a handful of people. I'm also grateful we can do this safely. (Although hugging people is still a foreign action - nine months of social distancing will do that to you)

Anyway, Bev, at Sunday Stealing, has another page of Christmas questions to answer. So here we go.

Happy Holidays. 

Star or Angel?

As you're all aware from last week, my Christmas tree is a gin bottle filled with lights - but I prefer a star on top. Just do. There are some lovely angels out there, but stars are good. 

White Lights or Colored Lights?

My gin bottle is fillied with white lights. Otherwise, I think it's an individual thing and I have no real preference. 

Blinking Lights or Still Lights?

Please keep them still - flashing lights can give me a headache. 

When do you open your gifts?

Now, as we are Australian, Father Christmas (i.e. Santa) comes during the night and presents are opened on Christmas morning. I don't get the Christmas Eve present giving thing. I have friends whose kids wake them up early, they are allowed one present, then the rest are opened when the family arrive a few hours later. 

Do you buy gifts for your pet?

No. This year Lucifer was placed in a cage and driven to Nanny's place some 900 kilometres away. My sister fed him prawns yesterday. That is a present enough. 

Be honest: What's the worst gift you've ever gotten?

Oh, that was received for my birthday many, many years ago. I was given a cock ring, a sex toy, by somebody. It wasn't a joke, I wasn't in a relationship and it really wasn't appreciated. No idea what my then friend was thinking. I have nothing against sex toys, but they're something you buy for yourself or for a hen's (batchelorette) party. 

Have you ever traveled for the holiday?

Yes. One of my favourte Christmases was spent in Thailand riding elephants, eating curry and having massages. I've also been to Tasmania on a few occassions to spend Christmas with Barney's family - and that is always fun, even if it is only across Bass Strait and 45 minutes on a plane.  

Did you see Santa as a child?

When I was a very young child I was taken to the Magic Cave in John Martins' Department store where I went and sat on Father Christmas' knee. Then I got a ride on Nipper or Nimble, these big rocking horses. Things were quite simple back then. Later, I worked at the same department store and was in the annual Christmas Pageant. It was great fun. 

Can you name all the reindeer?

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph. Didn't have to look that up even. 

Have you ever gone caroling?

Hell no. I really don't like Christmas Carols that much. Besides, I can barely carry a tune in a bucket. 

Do you drive around and look at the Christmas lights?

No, though I will slow down and have a look if I'm driving past. 

Have you ever left Santa cookies?

I did when I was a young child. But we left him some carrots for the reindeer and a beer. 

Have you ever had a white Christmas?

No, but I did live in England for eight years and I had eight cold Christmases. I much prefer cold Christmas - makes far more sense. 

Have you ever made a gingerbread house from scratch? From a kit?

No, not something I've ever done. Admired many friends who do this every year - still have no idea why they do it, but it makes them happy. 

Be honest: Do you think the season is too commercial?

Abso-fucking-lutely. I try and avoid this. I'm also the person at work who says no to decorations around my desk. Didn't happen this year, but one company I worked for went so far overboard, it was like Sant had spewed tinsel everywhere. 

Imagine you were going to create the quintessential holiday soundtrack -- which song(s) absolutely must be included?

Okay, it's Christmas - you want me to give you a holiday soundtrack for summer. What must be included?

Hmm. Here we go. 

The Fairytale of New York - Kirsty McColl & Shane McGowan

April Sun in Cuba - Dragon (Best Summer song ever)

One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer - George Thoroughgood

On The Road Again - Willie Nelson

The Little Drummer Boy - David Bowie and Bing Crosbie

Blue Christmas - Miles Davis

Christmas with the Devil - Spinal Tap

What are your Christmas pet peeves?

What are my pet peeves, other than everybody goes mental, it's hot, it's expensive, everybody wants to catch up, you have to be nice to people you rarely see and tolerate idiots. Then there are the relatives who try and make you feel bad for still being single, or those who you talk to who tell you all their problems, but don't ask after your life. The roads are packed and there is far too much food? What peeves, I ask?

Today's song:


Ordinarily Just Me said...

I love the Thailand trip and riding and elephant and eating curry! I would so love to do that! New bucket list item added, thank you! Loved the rest of your post too.

CountryDew said...

Santa spewing tinsel is a great way to put it!

The Gal Herself said...

I love the idea of the gin bottle filled with lights, and agree that a star just feels like the right topper. (Though I admit, you're the only one I've ever heard of who has a gin bottle filled with lights, so I'm no expert!)

Kwizgiver said...

The substitute tree is a great idea!

Me, Myself, and I said...

Lucky Lucifer--PRAWNS!! Loved your post this week :)

Stacy said...

Christmas riding elephants sounds like soooo much fun! I understand the odd feeling after lockdown. We never made it totally out of restrictions and now we are shut down again. Supposedly only until Jan. 4 to stave off massive holiday infections. We had a white Christmas this year. I like it for the 2-3 days of the holiday but after that I'd much prefer your weather!