Tuesday, December 8, 2020



The joys of living in an older apartment is when things go wrong they really go wrong. 

A few months ago it was the shower.

Then on Sunday, I get a text from the neighbour. Water is dripping in from the window frame to the sink in the flad downstairs, the water was coming from my kitchen area. I hadn't flooded anything, all I'd done in the hour before was half a sink full of dishes. Being out and about, my neighbour and I had a look at it when I got home. Turned on the tap - the leak returned. 

So, yesterday, I made a call to the land agent. Told him about the leak. I also wrapped a bit of duct tape around the tap so I couldn't use it inadvertedly. And waited. 

Today, our magic tradie, Craig, turned up. We love Craig. 

I have too many Craigs in my life. Craig the Tradie. Craig my workmate. Craig the stand in trainer who will be putting me and Jay through our paces on Thursday. Craig the soap guy. Too many Craigs. 

Craig the Tradie is great - and he fixes EVERYTHING. He came to measure up the flat as I'm getting floorboards put down (yay - the carpet is manky). I told him about the leak. We also had a talk about the state of the doors - which seeing there are seven of them to paint, along with the walls and ceilings and skiting boards, and I'm not really feeling the love in sanding back, stripping, priming and glossing seven doors and two wardrobes. It really is enough that I have two bedrooms, a lounge, hallway and subsequent ceilings to paint - on the landlords dime, but I do the work to keep the rent down. 

Anyway - after the measurements are done, we turn on the tap, go downstairs to the neighbours  - and sure enough, it's leaking water. It's not the plumbing under the sink - it appears it's the pipes.

So Craig, super tradie, is coming back tomorrow with a cherry picker to see what is going on. 

And I'm doing my washing up in the laundry sink. 

On the good side of things, the dirty dishes aren't piling up - they are getting done as they are used.

The tap is once again tied up with duct tape to ensure I don't use it. 

And I'm thankful I'm pretty resilient. 

And that had been my day. Not as crappy as my workmate's, who had a bingle in her new car - nobody was hurt, but she's done two doors and a wing mirror - but it's been a bit inconvienent. And her pride is dented a little. 

But still. And here I was hoping I wouldn't be seeing the tradie until after the painting was done. 

Ho hum. 

Today's Song:

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