Monday, July 27, 2020

A Corruption of Karens

It's a parliament of owls, an unction of undertakers, a quiver of arrows and a murder of crows.

But what is the collective noun for a collection of Karens?

A curruption of Karens? A complaint of Karens? A committee of Karens? A carbunkle of Karens?

Before I go on, according to my Facebook page I have four friends called Karen. They are all lovely and do not display 'Karen' behaviour. They are nice, polite, community minded people who would give you the shirt off their backs and only speak to the manager if things really required it. It is not their fault their name as been made into a meme.

For those who have been living under a rock, a 'Karen' according to is:

"The stereotypical name associated with rude, obnoxious and insufferable middle aged white women.

Karens take everything wrong with the typical over entitled western woman and crank it up by several thousand percent. They are a mutated subspecies that descends from the Soccer Mom, and have many of their traits. Such as a short temper, a crown bowl haircut, an unnecessarily large SUV to take her kids to soccer practice and be a menace on the road, etc etc. But Karens have developed their own unique characteristics /antics as well. Including but not limited to;

-Reveling in making the life or retail workers a living hell by constantly making a scene over nothing and demanding to "speak to the manager" (a near universal battle cry among Karens).
-Threatening to sue someone for a minor misdemeanor they may or may not have committed and may or may not have even involved Karen at all.
-Treating the drive thru line like the set of a Mad Max film by cutting in line and honking at anyone who tries to get in. Even willing dent other people's cars to save 45 seconds in getting her $1 muffin. (Karens in this situation may or may not ask to speak to the drive thru worker's manager and / or threaten to sue the drivers of the car she just rammed.)
-Being a part of the anti-vax crowd and relying on Essential Oils for the health of their children because of a Facebook post she saw.
-Reading erotica that makes 50 shades of grey look like Hamlet by comparison in public."


I think Urban Dictionary should update their description to include a middle-aged, entitled woman who makes a complete tool of herself at Bunnings. Sheesh. Pardon the pun.

As I said, my friends named Karen, none of these display this sort of behaviour - and they wouldn't be my friends if they did. Of course they can be assertive when they need to be, and that is fine, but watching these people - these stereotypical Karens - and Kevins (the male equivalent of a Karen, I'm told) behave like this is just ludicrous.

It's a fucking pandemic people. Keeping everybody safe should be on everybody's mind. The ever so minor 'inconvenience' of wearing a mask surely outweighs people's rights do to as thy please, especially when you may not know if you're carrying this insidious disease - a pox to which nobody has any acquired immunity.

I just don't get how people can think like this. I don't understand how so called rights can be thought of as more important that protecting the community. I don't comprehend how people believe all the rubbish that they see on Facebook. Are they suddenly giving out PhDs in Epidemiology and Medicine on Facebook now. It seems some people think so.

I don't understand how people in Australia don't get that we don't have a Bill of Rights here.

The only universal rights you have at the moment are pretty much as follows:
  • You have the right to treat people with kindness and dignity and be treated like that in return.
  • You have the right to an opinion - it doesn't mean you are right.
  • You have the right to be safe in the community - this means you play your part in keeping people safe. Bugger your beliefs. 
And that is about it. 

I know at the moment it feels a bit like this. I just hope it doesn't turn into it. 

But this doesn't answer my question - what is the collective noun for a group of Karens?

Today's song:

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