Sunday, July 5, 2020

How's the Weather?

Today is a productive day. It has to be. I have already changed the bed linen, gone for a walk, had breakfast and started on putting away 20 things (it'ts a thing, helping me keep the place tidy). And there is a lot more to do. As there is a good chance the state will be back in lockdown but the end of the week, I'm making the most of our limited freedoms. I'm seeing a movie in a bit - the first one since March. I'm doing this for me. Then I'll go back into my box, in support of the tenth of the state who pretty much can't leave their homes. Thankfully, in my part of town, things are nearly normal - but face masks and hand sanitiser are a must. Really, we're very lucky here.

Anyway, enough of the 'Rona. Here's some interesting questions thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Have you ever had a vacation ruined by the weather or did you just work around it?

No, I'm a roll with the weather sort of person. I've had a few holidays where it's been too hot - you just find air conditioning or a pool.

2. What small changes do you feel people could make to give the planet a fighting chance against global warming?

There are so many things. Reuse, recycle, turn off lights, take a water bottle instead of buying water, look at traditional agriculture practices, stop buying crap you don't need, renewable energy... you'll get me on a roll - but we need to be so much nicer to the planet.

3. Are you adversely affect by the weather, such as SAD?

Not really - but I do need to be outside for at least an hour a day to keep myself happy.

4. How is the weather where you are and have you seen drastic changes in it during your life time?

It's the middle of winter. It's not as cold and wet as it used to be when I was a kid. Summers are getting longer. It's getting milder. But it is still winter. Which is not too far different to a London Autumn.

5. Do you think we can stop global warming or is it too late?

I really hope it's not too late, but we need a GLOBAL effort. Everybody needs to do their bit.

6. What could you do for an hour or so today that you would really enjoy doing?

I'm going to see a movie at 3.15 pm. I think I'll really enjoy that.

7. What could you do for an hour today that might improve your life in the future?

I could walk to and from the movie theatre - that will help save the planet. I will be writing for an hour, do some work on my novel. You never know, that could help my future if it is published and sells well.

8. What could you do for an hour today that could strengthen or improve a skill you would like to be able to rely on?

Writing, other than the blog. Writing is like a muscle - use it and it improves.

9. What could you do for an hour today that would make your living space more pleasant to live in?

Do the floors. I need to do the floors today. I hate doing the floors. Mops and hoovers are not my friend, but it is done regularly. I still hate doing it though.

10. What could you do for an hour today that would improve your relationships with loved ones?

Probably give them a call. I might do that later. Hard doing anything in a pandemic when your family is interstate.

11. Do you like, dislike, or pay no attention to the wind?

I dislike the wind as I have long hair and it gets tangled in the wind, but I don't mind listening to it.

12. Do you have allergies or sinus made worse by the wind?

I get a bit snuffly when it gets windy in spring and summer. Who doesn't?

13. Have you ever been caught in a big wind (not a hurricane or tornado)?

I've been in a couple of freak storms which have had scary wind - thankfully they were over in hours.

14. When was the last time you flew a kite?

I think I was about ten years old. It's been a long, long time.

15.Would you like to have the power of flight?

I think that would be awesome - it would save on public transport costs.

Today's song:


LA Paylor said...

I said do the floors too... I put that off more than cleaning toilets!!
great answers, LeeAnna at not afraid of color

Bev Sykes said...

are you going to self-publish your novel?

Kwizgiver said...

Oh--the Hoodoo Gurus! How I love them!

Julie said...

I also have to do #9 but just can’t find the energy to get it done.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

My hair is at the longest it has ever been in my 60+ years of living, so now I want to find a windy spot (probably by the ocean) to get my hair all tangled. I'd probably not like it, but that won't stop me from experiencing it, at least once. :-)