Saturday, October 3, 2020

Damn You, Grey's Anatomy

Level Four Lockdown: Day Sixty-Two

Mood: Lethargic - damn you warm weather

Here is a list of things I should be doing:

  • Writing my novel
  • The ironing
  • Cleaning the flat
  • Reading my book (Currently Louis de Bernieres A Partisan's Daughter)
  • Exercising (But I have been for an hour's walk today.
  • Completing this month's Furious Fiction
  • Completing the online flat inspection that I really think is unnecessary
What am I doing?

Catching up on Grey's Anatomy.

Grey's Anatomy is one of those crack shows. It's fluff. It's long running. It's been around for nearly two decades, and like other long running shows, you can pick it back up after years and still know most of the characters.

It's easy to watch. Okay, there is the occasional bit of gore, but basically, it's fluff. And it beats watching the news. And it's fun to watch fake dramas, not real ones for a change.

And they all wear masks, so it's like their in Melbourne at the moment. 

So that is what I'm doing. Procrastinating by getting absorbed in Grey's Anatomy.

I suppose there could be worse things to be doing. 

Today's Song:

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