Thursday, October 1, 2020

Sixty Days

Level Four Lockdown: Day Sixty

Mood: Level

We've been locked down under Level Four restrictions for sixty days now. 

It's become the new normal.

While the rest of the country can do stuff - go to the gym, eat at restaurants, go to the movies, have people over, travel - we in Melbourne, cannot. We can't go out of a five kilometre radius from home, with very few exceptions. Cinemas, bars, restaurants, gyms and bars are closed. Most shops are closed. You can go to the supermarket, the chemist, buy petrol and order crap online. If you're single, you can visit a friend, on their own. You're allowed out of the house for two hours a day. Finally, we can train in the park again. We can't get our hair cut (though dog groomers are back in business). Dentists are back to work. I might see if I can schedule into the podiatrist, just to get some human touch. Cuddles are banned. Handshakes are poison. You wear a mask everywhere outside. I won't complain about the masks. I'm used to them now.

The borders are still locked down. Melbournites aren't allowed out of Melbourne. 

These measures are working. But it's hard.

But it's a new normal for the moment. 

I don't like to think about the things I've missed over the last six months, let along sixty days.

Just a few of those things:

  • My uncle's funeral
  • My mother's 80th birthday
  • The MTC productions for the whole of the year
  • The Pixies concert  - that was one of the first concerts to get cancelled.
  • The Alanis Morrissette concert - hopefully postponed til next year.
  • My love life
  • Breakfast with friends
  • Dinner with friends
  • Birthdays at restaurants
  • Cuddles with Blarney's kittens
There's lots more stuff. I'm not going to dwell on these things.

I just look at the day count. Sixty days in Stage Four lock down.

It's working.

But it's still crap. 

Today's Song: 

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