Thursday, October 15, 2020

Things to ask my cat

 Level Four Lockdown: Day Seventy-Four

Mood:  bored bored bored bored

I'm starting to wonder if Mercury is going into retrograde again. It sort of feels like it. I don't feel like communicating much at the moment and I'm wanting for inspiration. 

Instead, things feel like this:

Anyway, I have no idea what to write, but I have a few questions for my cat.

As you are aware, I love my cat. We've only been together seven months, but it's working out okay.

But I have some questions for him. 

Firstly, why does he shed so much fur all over the place - and why does he get stroppy when I try to brush him, to help said fur leave him quicker? He gets patted when I brush him - why does he always get my hand, and the brush and stomp on my hand. 

Secondly, why, no matter the weather, does he climb under the blanket at the end of the bed, but only after he's had his dinner? It's his bed during the day - my bed at night.

And how come his favourite thing to do is skiddies - chasing after the laser pointer and skidding around the room on his Harvey Normal bag? He loves doing this. Never gets old. You think it would. 

Why is it he always asks for his dinner at 4 pm? Dinner is at 6 pm. I keep telling him this - but he doesn't listen? No. 

And how is it, when he walks on my keyboard, he gets the machine to do all sorts of strange and wonderful things - not just write things like fgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgvvhgf - but he can so everything from turning on my camera while I'm in a meeting, to bringing up scripts to sending the computer mute? He really is a clever boy.

Oh, and dinner time, how is it my food is always better than his food - even though I often leave a taste of whatever I'm having in his bowl. If I am having dinner, libations must be provided from my plate. Hamburgers, chicken, rice and custard are favourite. He also like to pong out the house by doing a dump when I'm eating dinner in the next room. Charming lad. 

Cats are strange creatures. 

In the case of mine, it's just lucky he's cute. 

Today's Song:

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