Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Why can't I wash my car?

Level Four Lockdown: Day Sixty-Five

Mood: Vaguely annoyed


I'm good with most of these restrictions, for the most part. Like all Melbournians, I'm over spending 90% of my time in the flat, embrace the hour or two I get outside and cherish time with my buddy, Blarney, over the Westgate Bridge.

But something that makes absolutely no sense to me is why I can't wash my car. 

I love my car. It's a deep red Mazda CX-3. It's been living under the carport for the last six months. And since Stage 4 lockdown, I've not been able to wash it - you know, take it to the carwash place, where you insert $5 in coins in the slot and you spend ten minutes washing your own car. I don't go to the valet places to pay four times the amount. I'm cheap like that. In these places, you're nowhere near anybody. You'll wear your compulsory mask. You're not breathing on anybody. I'm not asking to use the industrial hoovers which you can use to dust out the interior. I just want to get the road film of my car. 

Unfortunately, I don't live in a place where I can get out a hose and bucket to do the job - I don't have a driveway or a nature strip on which such activities can take place. It's not worth me dragging buckets of warm soapy water down two flights of stairs to wash it in the carport. That's just lunacy.

But the car washes are closed - and tit just makes no bloody sense to me at all. 

I get why I can't get my legs waxed or my hair cut - well I'm playing along with this quite willingly with these , but I'm sick of my lovely car looking grotty. There isn't enough rain about to wash off the dust. It needs a wash. 

And it's been like this for a few weeks. 

And I'm over it. It's a stupid restriction.


Today's Song:

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