Friday, January 8, 2021

All Alone

They've gone and I am all alone, and it feels strange. 

Barney came and picked up Kylo and Rey this afternoon. Renamed Shitty-Bum and Sooky-Puss, I really loved having them for the ten days they were here. 

Okay, so Kylo has a bit of an issue using the little tray for big jobs - not a great thing to wake up to turds in places they are not supposed to be. Rey, on the other hand, is a delightful young lady who gets her ablutions right. Both are very sweet, rather cuddly and good to have around even they do like walking over the keyboard when you're trying to get work done. How is it one small cat can do far more damage to a document than any moves a human can make? And why is it they can simultaneously turn on your camera, reduce your font size, put on the caps lock and turn your screen orientation to portrait in under a second. All of these things happened multiple time over the last ten days.

But now they have gone home and I'm left to my own devices - which means I'm doing painting prep. 

So far I've dismantled my bed. Half if it in the kitchen, the mattress is in the spare room made up on the floor. That's my bedroom for the next few days. On the good side of things - no cat hair for at least two weeks - most of it has been hoovered up. 

Most of the crap in the bedroom has been put up the back of the mattress. Some stuff needs to go to the Camberwell market in a few weeks, other stuff to the charity bin, other stuff just purely thrown out. 

The hoovering is done - also good - so the carpet is no longer crunchy in places with stray bits of kitty litter. 

I have deadlines. Tomorrow I need to have the walls done by 6 pm - I'm off to a dinner and a movie a 7 pm. On Sunday, I may also have deadlines as Jonella is threatening to come over and help me reassemble the bed in the afternoon - I have the ceilings to do - fun!

Not helping all this is the trapped nerve in my left arm. I went to see Spencer the myptherapist last night. He had me squealing, shouting and crying. He said, "I forgot that you were a noisy one." Half an hour later after working on the upper half of the left hand side of my back, I felt a bit looser, but the jolts and sparks are still there. More voltaren, hot water bottles and moving I say. 

But all this busyness doesn't make up for the fact that I'm here on my own. The little cats have gone home and I miss them. I'll be collecting Lucifer from my mother in a fortnight. He appears to be having a grand old time over there. My stepdad said that he jumped up and gave him a cuddle this morning, unprovoked. The parents have started shutting the door on him at night to stop him coming up in the middle of the night, getting between them and purring (and kicking my stepdad out of bed) He's good at taking over the bed. I'm just glad he's happy. Mum's over the moon, she's now getting daily lovings. I just hope he remembers me when I go to pick him up...

Maybe that's the problem of not having one of these creatures roaming the place - I don't have anybody to love and look after for the next fortnight. And here I was thinking I was a bit of a sociopath. Who knew?

Today's Song:

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