Friday, January 15, 2021

Getting there

This weekend is all about getting the painting done. Which means clearing the lounge room first of all.

Jonella and Stav came over for dinner then helped me move the three book cases out of the living room. They're going to stay out until the floorboards go down, which will hopefully happen in the next few weeks.

It's getting there. 

The two tall book cases are now in the kitchen. Stav did a bit of mending. '

The smaller one is in the spare room. The books behind my table will go there early tomorrow. 

For the associated crap, we had three bags. Rubbish. Stuff for the Camberwell Market. Toiletries. Stationery. A lot of the stationery will end up in a box for Camberwell Market. 

I'm also going to have a cull of books - first to go were the Lonely Planets. I love them, but they have to go. Looking at all the books, there are some that will find their way to the Salvos and Camberwell market.

There's a box of Masons stuff as well - into the spare room. 

I will need to change the hoover bag soon.

And get up early, start sugar soaping, spakfilla-ing and painting.

Won't that be fun. It's getting there. 

Today's song:

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