Sunday, January 10, 2021

January Meme

I'm supposed to be painting. I've done all the prep. But my shoulder is sore - it's not my painting arm, but still, it's making the thought of going up and down a ladder not all that enticing.

Never to mind. 

As I should be painting, I will keep the answers short today. 

Questions, as alway, provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What are your plans for January?

 At the moment it's painting out the flat, exercising and driving to Adelaide in two weeks time to collect my cat. That's more than enough.

2. What do you want to see happen in 2021?

 Other than seeing Trump thrown in jail and a nicer, more compassionate, more rational world. I hope they get coronavirus in check. And I know I'm very lucky to be in Australia where the community transmission is very, very low. Long may that remain. 

3.  What would you give a 5 star rating?

 Bernadine Evaristo's Girl. Woman, Other. That book is extraordinary. 

4. Do you have writing goals for 2021?

 Yes - I really want to finish the first draft of this novel I'm writing - and it will take that long. 

5. How do you feel about memoirs?

 I don't mind the odd one - the well written ones are gerat - loved Michelle Obama's Becoming and Alan Cummings Not My Father's Son

6. If you could join any musical group who would you choose?

 I'd love to in musical theatre a la Randy Rainbow - but please do not tell anybody. If not, I could always play the triangle for a rock band sometime.

7. What are your favorite genres across all media?

 Books and movies - hands down. I watch far too much television too. 

8. What candle scents are your favorite?

 I have an Arbonne Spiced Vanilla Chai candle on my desk. It's very yummy. There's a local candle company which does a great coffee scented candle too. I desire one of those. 

9. How well can you mimic other accents or voices?

 Depends on what it is. I don't do a bad New Zealand and Cockney accent. I also have a terrible Southern American drawl which gets wheeled out now and then.

10. What books are on your TBR list in 2021?

 Lots of things, including:

  • The Yield by Tara June Winch
  • Mayflies by Andrew O'Hagan
  • Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid
  • Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart
  • All Our Shimmering Skies by Trent Dalton
  • And lots more.

11. When do you decide it’s time to upgrade/buy something new?

 Normally when it shows signs of aging. Cars get replaced at seven-years-old as by that time things are starting to cost money to fix. Other stuff I tend to leave until it's a bit ragged - like clothes - then I get new ones. Same with shoes - but I replace my runners every 4-6 months - they are flat on the bottom by then.

12. Why is your favorite color your favorite color?

 Red - and it just is. Always loved it. 

13. Who understands you the best?

 Hmmm, I'm not sure I can answer that question. There are a few people who know aspects of me really well, but they they don't know about other bits. The dream groupers used to know me very well. 

14. Do you write letters?

 Not very often any more. I can't remember the last time I wrote a letter. 

15. How do you keep going when times are hard?

One foot in front of the other, I just keep going. I also tell myself that this too shall pass - even if it is passing like a kidney stone, it will pass. 

Today's Song:


Bev Sykes said...

Not My Father's Son was such an amazing book. I alays think of it when I see Alan Cumming and think of his hair!

zippiknits...sometimes said...

This was a fun read. So much energy! Best wishes with your painting.

Looks like we may get to flush the red herring down the toilet. I hope he wears Orange for a few months before getting transferred to a maximum security prison in the desert. But that's just me.. ;o)

Enjoy your painting. Sounds very nice. Safe travels!