Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Writing with Dev - Part Nineteen

Five Minutes - Write about "People don't remember what you do or what you said, but they remember how you made them feel."

I was talking to my friend in Adelaide at lunch the other day. We've known each other for over ten years - we contracted at Tin Can, String and Whistle together on the same project. We used to be smoking buddies, this is back when I was a social smoker, back when he was coming out of his first real relationship with a man. 

Ten years on, I love catching up with hime. Lots has happened for both of us. There have been psycho exes, university courses, many, many contracts, travels, friends, re-locations - he moved to Adelaide for love, lots of stuff.

He's a glorious beast. And I think we've always meant to be friends. But the thing which always gets me about him, despite our very different backgrounds and minimal shared history, is that he makes me laugh - and for this I appreciate him all the more. '

He also said something lovely to me as we were parting - "You remind me of Bill (his current partner) You're nutty and weird but very loveable." Can you see why I have him in my life?

A Sentence a Day:

What was the last adventure you went on?

That would be Monday and that would be driving back to Melbourne with the cat in the back of the car. I think that is an adventure. Some would call it folly. It was okay. My cat is a trooper. 

Before that, the trip to India in November 2019 was an absolute mindfuck. God, I miss travel. 

Prompts: Rubik's Cube

We tried to do the Rubik's cube. 

He never had the patience. 

I did. 

He never saw the point. 

I did.

He couldn't see the point. 

I did. 

He never was tactile. 

I was. 

He wanted to strip off the stickers and start afresh. 

I wanted to take the time to sort things out. 

He could never see the point of the puzzle.

His loss.

Prompt Two: Toothbrush

He had to hang his toothbrush on the holder. 

It was his law. The day would not start until he cleaned his teeth,

Shaved, (leaving stubble in the basin of course)

Did his hair (Which took him 20 minutes)

Had a LOOOOOOOONG shower.

I never knew what he did in there. 

Prompt Three: Fan

They could see that things were going nowhere, 

But they chose to hind behind their fans, 

Flipping away the situation

As if a swarm of flies were invading their space.

Gave them something to look at, something to do,

Something, anything other than taking me in hand

And telling the tiuth.

But that is what these friends did. Not their problem.

Prompt Four: Scissors

She, being brand new and consequently...

If e e cummings were alive today, 

Would he take a pair of scissors to his work?

For who knew what this very stable genius would do

With the internet and such - for brevity being the soul of wit, 

How would he see the world. What would be his allegory. 

Prompt Five: Dice

You never know when the dice is going to roll

And they fall, but not in your favour, 

And you must take the consequences,

And move forward, with a grimace,

And a shrug,

All in the knowing,

That if you never threw those dice, never played,

Life would be just the same. 

And then you know that this was maybe not a bad thing at all

Prompt Six: Tinsel (but don't say Christmas)

I saw her, from across the room. Tinsel Tits was my name for her. 

Preened and primped for the world to see.

Her top so low cut, the areolae were nearly visible,

Begging to be rouged, sucked and tormented, 

According to her put and leer.

The beer in her hand screamed cheap, whether she was or not. 

She stayed silent, waiting in the corner,

For the man in the flannel shirt who paid her no heed.

My biggest acheivement?

Oh hell - I keep thinking that I have done nothing in my life, I look at what I have done - two degrees, managed to stay solvent, got on with things, survived on my own two feet.

But my biggest acheivement was living illegally in London for six of the eight years I was there. OKay, yes, it was wrong and not great and bad, and there were a lot of psychological elements which needed sorting when I got back, but this took some chutzpah (I love that word) It took a lot of guts and a lot of stupidity and a lot of wanting more than I thought I needed or deserved. But I took the chance and I made the arrangements and yeah, I did all of this off my own back. 

And I give myself a lot of credit for taking those risks, as they helped shape me more than anything else I've ever done. 

 Today's Song:

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